Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Theodore Is Born

This is not a story of a peaceful home birth; the dramatic entrance of Theodore into this world was anything but peaceful.
This pregnancy was the most unusual pregnancy I went through, ending with the most unusual birth. Theodore was born into his father’s arms because he decided that he just wouldn't wait.

In the last few weeks preceding the delivery I kept having lots of strong, irregular contractions. I was pretty sure they were getting my body ready and also remembered my – then – youngest son’s birth that lasted only 1.5 hours. So – partially seriously, partially in jest - I looked up “Emergency Birth How-to” video on Youtube and had my hubby, Petr, watch it “just in case”. He concluded after watching the video that he hoped that wouldn't happen to him…

Fast forward to Wednesday, May 21st.  I woke up at around 5 am due to pretty strong contractions. They were strong, yet irregular. My doctor always told me the difference between the “real deal” and Braxton Hicks is the regularity of contractions…well, I thought, this wasn't the case. So I tried to go back to sleep, as I knew I had couple of things to do during the day and wanted to keep my strength. I woke up again about an hour later and told Petr that we would probably go to the hospital today, but let’s take things slow and see…because I was still unsure whether this was just a false alarm. Upon agreement Petr woke the kids, got them ready for school (while I wallowed in bed) and we agreed it’d be best if he dropped them off to school and came back home to take me to OSF. I decided to call my midwife and doctor, shower, eat a lot of food (because they never let you eat anything but those darn ice chips in the hospital), and generally be ready for him.

They left home around 7:30 and at that point my contractions (really painful) were around 8 minutes apart (but still not regular!)…so I thought we sure still had a lot of time. On top of that my water didn’t even break and in all my three previous pregnancies my water always broke first and then the contractions kicked in. I decided to make myself scrambled eggs (Girl’s gotta have protein before any hard work, right?) and at that point I was bending over and breathing through the contractions as they came a little closer and lasted quite a long time (2 minutes…I know some of you more experienced moms would know then, but I was still clueless - or in denial?). As I was cooking the eggs, the thought that this might be an active labor occurred to me and I thought how funny that would be if I later told the doctor that I cooked eggs through the active phase of my labor…
At this point, I lay back down and tried to eat and watch Netflix to distract myself. I realized that my favorite sitcom is making me seriously annoyed and that was a first red flag because I remembered how irritable I was during Victor’s birth during the active labor approaching the transition. What now? I called my midwife and told her that I was in labor, but didn’t mention that I might be far into it (denial anyone?), we agreed to meet in the hospital in about 30 minutes. I called my doctor but he was in a surgery. Then I frantically started calling Petr, at that point I thought we were still gonna make it to the hospital, but had no doubts about being in active labor anymore. I ended up moaning/screaming through the next couple of contractions (Scientologists wouldn’t approve) and sat on a gym ball/birthing ball to relieve the coming pressure (thinking back now, I’m pretty sure I helped speed up the process doing this). I called Petr again and told him that I felt like I needed to push. He said he was about 15 minutes away from home. I then set my mind to not having this baby any time soon. Mind is a powerful thing and so is the state of denial. 
Petr was frantic at that point – he realized that we were close to having this babe, that I was home alone, there was no gas in the car and he was still far away from home. When he got home, he found me on the birthing ball rocking back and forth and immediately grabbed our stuff and ran for the car. I tried to follow…veeeery sloooowly – but didn’t make it far. I was about to walk out the main door when I dropped to the floor and started screaming at Petr to call 911 that we were having this baby right now. He didn’t see me, as he was by the car and thus tried to persuade me that I can make it. Nope. It took him only one glance at me to realize that this is real.

I was so overwhelmed that I pretty much completely lost it. My doctor’s office called back and I picked up and told them (I’m pretty sure I screamed at them) that the baby is coming now and the only thing I can remember is the nurse telling me to find something to tie the umbilical cord with…shoelaces anyone? Yeah, no hot water and strips of linen as you see in the movies, you need shoelaces, people.
My water then broke and I couldn’t talk to her anymore, so I handed Petr the phone – at this point he is on two phones at once, talking to my doctor’s office and the 911 operator, who is telling him to turn me on my back (I was on all fours). I absolutely refused to cooperate with him, poor guy. I remember him telling me to lie down on my back and me screaming back at him, NO, NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT and trying to kick him! 
So picture this beautiful scene – our door wide open, me lodged in the doorway on all fours screaming -  I mean screaming – my head off and Petr trying to figure out what to do. He ended up pulling me in by my legs just enough to be able to close the door (and save what’s left of my dignity before the neighbors) and managed to get me on my side. By then he saw the babe’s head and I started pushing already anyway. I think this was the first time I sort of calmed down…my mind finally let go of the idea that I have to hold that baby in and listened to my body - and Petr. The baby was born so fast the only thing Petr had time to grab was a towel (no shoelaces). He said he didn’t even wash his hands, so much for sanitary environment, ha. The one thing I kept thinking was that my floor is so filthy and this is where my baby will be born! Theodore’s shoulder was slightly lodged and Petr had to loosen it up. But after that, he was out. 
The whole thing didn’t last more than 5 minutes and there was the baby in Petr’s (unwashed) arms! Thank God at the same time the EMTs arrived and immediately took care of the baby’s cord and generally took over, which we were very grateful for.
Amazingly the baby’s Apgar score was a perfect 10! The paramedics loaded me up on a stretcher and got me to the hospital. After that everything was a boring routine compared to what we just went through. Petr drove himself to the hospital and came to the nurses’ station shaking; when he announced that he just delivered his own child, I’m pretty sure they thought they had a lunatic wander into their department.

We are beyond grateful for the protection and safety that God provided for us that morning. My friend told me that she prayed for me all morning (didn’t know what was happening at that time) and one of the nurses on the phone was a friend from the church who also started praying for me immediately. God truly gave us an amazing gift that morning, even if the “unwrapping” was a crazy mess.
Petr is and always will be my hero. I really don’t know how he kept calm throughout the whole thing and was able to do what he did. I told him that if I was the one in his place, I’d be running through the woods crying!

Theodore is our last child - nice little period at the end….or rather an exclamation mark.